
Lisa Sasevich and me at her Event Profit Secrets event in Spring 2014

Last week, I attended Lisa Sasevich's Event Profit Secrets event in San Diego. I had a great time meeting new people and getting feedback for possible event ideas. With 120 people at this 2-day event, the collective brain was at work! I love this photo of Lisa and me because my vision is to grow my live event, be an event host, and speak on bigger stages!

I have a hard time envisioning what my definition of success can be, so I take photos or write it down so that it is right in front of me. That's why it is great to have someone outside of your business to give you feedback on what you are trying to accomplish.

The same can be said about social media. It's not something you can pick up just sitting on the sidelines and watching. You need someone to give you advice, tips, mentorship, and feedback so you know where you are going and what you want to accomplish with your social media marketing. Is it new clients, more exposure, to finally be seen as the expert that you are, or more speaking engagements?

It starts with a social media strategy
When it comes to social media, you have to keep in the end in mind. What do you want your social media to marketing to accomplish? Why are you on social media? You need to come up with a plan that integrates with your current marketing and what you feel comfortable with. 

You need training
A big reason why I attended Event Profit Secrets was because I needed to know how to make money from my live events. And what better person to learn from who has made over $1million from events? Yes, I flew to San Diego and invested over $5,000 to learn from someone who was going to teach me how to do it. The same goes for social media. You need to learn the best features for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc. What good is a strategy if you don't have the tools to make it happen?

Planning, Execution, and Implementation
It's been a week since I've attended Event Profit Secrets and a big part of this week was going through my materials and figuring out how to execute the plan I was taught. In social media, it is critical to execute on a daily, consistent basis. You're putting in the time and marketing efforts to accomplish your business goal. Unfortunately, there's no “build it and they will come”. You have to let prospects and current clients know that you are on social media. 

What do you want to accomplish this year? I invite you join me for the KR Design STEPS classes (Click here for details!). These social media classes are designed for you to create a social media system for your business one step at a time. I would love to help you step ahead in 2014 and assist you in your business success.